Note: Let me know if this should be a full game.

"10 Seconds To Win" challenges players with the ultimate test of agility, creativity, and precision as they embark on a thrilling race against the clock. Harness the power of your past attempts in a unique and strategic way to conquer intricate levels and claim victory.

In "10 Seconds To Win," you control a nimble protagonist armed with only 10 seconds to clear each level. With each daring leap, you must navigate treacherous terrain, outwit cunning obstacles, and strategically time your actions to secure your path to success. But here's the twist: every time you meet your untimely demise, you leave behind a trace—a tangible echo of your past self. These echoes become your lifeline, transforming into platforms you can use to ascend to new heights and reach previously unattainable ledges.


  • A/D: Move
  • Space: Jump
  • V: Die
  • Esc: Pause

Made for Em & Edgar Game Jam 2023.

Development log


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The game really reminds me of super meat boy which is one of my favorites
10 seconds to hear AAAAAAAAAAA
love it :D

Haha..  Glad to AAAAAAAAA..

Love dyeing mechanic!

Thanks, Glad you liked it..

This is a really fun concept! Having to trade your currency of lives to create platforms to make the game easier and solve puzzles is a really neat idea. Good job with making different levels to show off how that can be used in different ways!

Thanks and I'm Always open to how i can make it better.

Good fun! Nice concept :)

Glad you liked :)